[Examination of famous teachers in the world] How to improve the "quality" and "quantity" of historical independent review?

[Examination of famous teachers in the world] How to improve the "quality" and "quantity" of historical independent review?

来源:合肥世界外国语学校 作者: 发布日期:2020-05-28 浏览次数:3058

The high school entrance exam is approaching day by day, and the ninth graders have entered a tense sprint stage. How can they effectively review the various subjects in the junior high school stage within a limited time to achieve a multiplier effect?

From May 28th, the Hefei World Foreign Language School WeChat public account will launch a series of "Teachers Talking about Examinations" series, which will publish a weekly pre-exam guidance article for famous teachers in school, aiming to provide clear test preparation ideas and Directions, help Xinshen students to achieve good results in the upcoming high school entrance examination!

Today, let’s look at the series 1 of "Examinations by Famous Teachers": "How to Improve the "Quality" and "Quantity" of Independent Review of History".

Wang Yuan

Wang Yuan, graduated from Anqing Normal University. He is currently teaching history teaching in Class 9 (6), Class 9 (7) and Class 9 (8) of our school.

Since ten years of history teaching in middle school, he has always adhered to the teaching concept of "student-oriented development" and "learning by teaching". Pay attention to the analysis and integration of teaching content, classroom teaching has received many praises and affirmations, and many honors: won the "Second Prize of Hefei History Discipline Excellent Education Teaching Evaluation" in 2014, and won the "Hejing District History Discipline Focus" in 2019 "Third Class Award", 2011-2020 won many school-level "outstanding teachers", "backbone teachers", "outstanding teacher assistant", "ten best business backbone", "first-class history teaching achievement award" and so on.

Teaching motto: The green mountain is not relaxed, and the roots are in the rock. Zhi Mo Wan Wan is also tenacious, let the east, west, south and north wind.

How to improve the "quality" and "quantity" of historical self-review

The famous educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: "Forcing is worse than persuasion, ordering is less voluntary, and passive is worse than automatic". There is more than one month away from the high school entrance examination. In addition to the effective guidance of teachers in the classroom, effective self-review is an important way for students to master knowledge and cope with the high school entrance examination. It can make students fully familiar with the understanding of teaching materials, digest and consolidate the knowledge points taught by teachers. Combining with the characteristics of the history discipline, we put forward the eight-character policy of "adjustment (mental state), consolidation (foundation), enrichment (thin leakage), and improvement (ability)". It is recommended that students carry out independent review from the following four aspects:

1. Adjust your mindset

A peaceful mental state is very important for the exam. First of all, students should let go of fear. History subjects are examined in the form of open papers in the middle school exam. The difficulty of the test paper should be based on the knowledge level of all students. It is necessary for most junior high school graduates to pass the graduation exam, so the questions are generally not too difficult. Therefore, students should let go of their fears and maintain a good attitude. They must not disrupt themselves and affect their true level.

Secondly, students should face themselves and believe in themselves. When preparing for the exam, you must establish goals based on your own strength, have a proper evaluation of your knowledge, and build self-confidence. You must not lose confidence because of a historical model test failure.

Second, consolidate the foundation

The psychological factors are very important to meet the senior high school entrance examination, but the decisive factor is the knowledge. As we approach the high school entrance examination, the review should be comprehensive, especially the review of basic knowledge should be placed first. There is still more than one month away from the high school entrance examination. Students should pay close attention to textbooks and pay attention to basic knowledge when reviewing history independently. Historical basic knowledge is the basis of ability and the basis of change. The closer to the entrance examination, the more important it is to grasp the basic knowledge and get the "points you should get". There are two specific measures to consolidate basic knowledge:

First, a small number of non-stop learning. It is necessary to ensure continuous learning every day, not to be exposed to the cold, many days without learning history, a large amount of learning content is concentrated in one or two days to complete the surprise.

Second, we must strengthen familiarization and memory, and consolidate the basic knowledge. In particular, the causes, processes, results, nature, and influence of major historical events must be comprehensively and accurately understood and expressed. Considering the tightness of the review time, it is recommended that students carry out fragmented memory of historical knowledge points, and make full use of the fragmentary time in the classroom, before reading, and before going to bed.

三、 充实薄漏



即将进入六月,从复习时间上看也就是传统意义上的冲刺阶段复习,在这一阶段的复习过程中,同学们要做到能力的提升需注意以下两方面 :首先,把握热点与历史知识的有机联系。联系时政热点,以史为鉴,史为今用,以历史知识、历史观点为基础,使热点和历史知识之间联系起来。其次,有针对性、计划性的做练习题,一定要讲究实效。同学们在老师的指导下,对教材的重难点和自身的知识盲点进行针对性训练,力求做到缺什么补什么。


The high school entrance exam is approaching day by day, and the ninth graders have entered a tense sprint stage. How can they effectively review the various subjects in the junior high school stage within a limited time to achieve a multiplier effect?

From May 28th, the Hefei World Foreign Language School WeChat public account will launch a series of "Teachers Talking about Examinations" series, which will publish a weekly pre-exam guidance article for famous teachers in school, aiming to provide clear test preparation ideas and Directions, help Xinshen students to achieve good results in the upcoming high school entrance examination!

Today, let’s look at the series 1 of "Examinations by Famous Teachers": "How to Improve the "Quality" and "Quantity" of Independent Review of History".

Wang Yuan

Wang Yuan, graduated from Anqing Normal University. He is currently teaching history teaching in Class 9 (6), Class 9 (7) and Class 9 (8) of our school.

Since ten years of history teaching in middle school, he has always adhered to the teaching concept of "student-oriented development" and "learning by teaching". Pay attention to the analysis and integration of teaching content, classroom teaching has received many praises and affirmations, and many honors: won the "Second Prize of Hefei History Discipline Excellent Education Teaching Evaluation" in 2014, and won the "Hejing District History Discipline Focus" in 2019 "Third Class Award", 2011-2020 won many school-level "outstanding teachers", "backbone teachers", "outstanding teacher assistant", "ten best business backbone", "first-class history teaching achievement award" and so on.

Teaching motto: The green mountain is not relaxed, and the roots are in the rock. Zhi Mo Wan Wan is also tenacious, let the east, west, south and north wind.

How to improve the "quality" and "quantity" of historical self-review

The famous educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: "Forcing is worse than persuasion, ordering is less voluntary, and passive is worse than automatic". There is more than one month away from the high school entrance examination. In addition to the effective guidance of teachers in the classroom, effective self-review is an important way for students to master knowledge and cope with the high school entrance examination. It can make students fully familiar with the understanding of teaching materials, digest and consolidate the knowledge points taught by teachers. Combining with the characteristics of the history discipline, we put forward the eight-character policy of "adjustment (mental state), consolidation (foundation), enrichment (thin leakage), and improvement (ability)". It is recommended that students carry out independent review from the following four aspects:

1. Adjust your mindset

A peaceful mental state is very important for the exam. First of all, students should let go of fear. History subjects are examined in the form of open papers in the middle school exam. The difficulty of the test paper should be based on the knowledge level of all students. It is necessary for most junior high school graduates to pass the graduation exam, so the questions are generally not too difficult. Therefore, students should let go of their fears and maintain a good attitude. They must not disrupt themselves and affect their true level.

Secondly, students should face themselves and believe in themselves. When preparing for the exam, you must establish goals based on your own strength, have a proper evaluation of your knowledge, and build self-confidence. You must not lose confidence because of a historical model test failure.

Second, consolidate the foundation

The psychological factors are very important to meet the senior high school entrance examination, but the decisive factor is the knowledge. As we approach the high school entrance examination, the review should be comprehensive, especially the review of basic knowledge should be placed first. There is still more than one month away from the high school entrance examination. Students should pay close attention to textbooks and pay attention to basic knowledge when reviewing history independently. Historical basic knowledge is the basis of ability and the basis of change. The closer to the entrance examination, the more important it is to grasp the basic knowledge and get the "points you should get". There are two specific measures to consolidate basic knowledge:

First, a small number of non-stop learning. It is necessary to ensure continuous learning every day, not to be exposed to the cold, many days without learning history, a large amount of learning content is concentrated in one or two days to complete the surprise.

Second, we must strengthen familiarization and memory, and consolidate the basic knowledge. In particular, the causes, processes, results, nature, and influence of major historical events must be comprehensively and accurately understood and expressed. Considering the tightness of the review time, it is recommended that students carry out fragmented memory of historical knowledge points, and make full use of the fragmentary time in the classroom, before reading, and before going to bed.

三、 充实薄漏



即将进入六月,从复习时间上看也就是传统意义上的冲刺阶段复习,在这一阶段的复习过程中,同学们要做到能力的提升需注意以下两方面 :首先,把握热点与历史知识的有机联系。联系时政热点,以史为鉴,史为今用,以历史知识、历史观点为基础,使热点和历史知识之间联系起来。其次,有针对性、计划性的做练习题,一定要讲究实效。同学们在老师的指导下,对教材的重难点和自身的知识盲点进行针对性训练,力求做到缺什么补什么。
