The second working meeting of the fourth parent committee held by the junior high school department

The second working meeting of the fourth parent committee held by the junior high school department

来源:初中部 作者:赵宇明 发布日期:2015-04-23 浏览次数:2729

Do well the work of family Committee effectively

In order to further strengthen the close relationship between the school and the family, teachers and parents, improve each parent's understanding of the school work, and at the same time more comprehensively understand their children's learning in school, so as to truly achieve the goal of home school joint training of children. On the afternoon of April 22, 2015, the junior high school department held a meeting of the parent committee of the junior high school department. In order to carry out this activity effectively and make parents' representatives understand the education and teaching of the school more truthfully and objectively, the theme of this family committee is to understand the original ecological work of the school department and supervise the education and teaching work of the school department truly and effectively.

At 3 p.m., the second working meeting of the fourth parent committee was held on time in the conference room on the third floor. Zhang Xiaoping, assistant principal, first of all, on behalf of the school, thanked all members of the family Committee for their strong support for the work of the school. Then, he read out the agenda of the second meeting of the fourth parent committee of the junior high school of Hefei world foreign language school. According to the agenda of the meeting, the school first discussed the construction work plan and work regulations of the family Committee, and improved the relevant work institutions and workers Working mechanism. The school department will work with the parent committee to plan the overall work of the school department in a scientific and reasonable way, organize parents to participate in school construction, school management, education and teaching, student management, various cultural and art activities, school evaluation, teacher evaluation and student evaluation, give full play to parents' intelligence and supervision functions, expand the space for parents to participate in the work of the school department in an all-round way, and innovate parents and students The joint work form of the Ministry will enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of the work of the family Committee. Then, Zhang Xiaozhu introduced the achievements made by the school department in the past year to all the members of the family Committee, analyzed the current situation of the school, and put forward some suggestions for parents to educate their children, and made specific explanations on how to prevent campus safety, personal safety and the work of the school Department to be carried out at present. He hoped that parents could strengthen the communication with the school and strengthen the communication with their children Communication, for the common education of good children and efforts.

After the meeting of the parents Committee, the representatives of the family Committee, under the organization of deputy director Chu Lianyu, carried out a major inspection on the teaching plans and homework correction of all teachers in the junior middle school department. Although the mid-term teaching inspection is a routine work of the school department, the whole process of the inspection is participated by parents. The school department collects the teacher's teaching plans and assignments one hour in advance without calling, and then immediately divides them into subject groups for classification and concentration. The parents' representatives shall carry out corresponding group inspection, and the first director shall accompany them and listen to the feedback at any time. In the process of inspection, the school department also had a comprehensive interaction with parents. The school department introduced the students' learning situation in school, and interacted with parents' representatives on how to correctly guide children to develop good learning, behavior habits and how to pay attention to safety. At the same time, we listened carefully to the parents' suggestions and requirements for the work of the school department and made detailed records. After the inspection, the parents at the meeting spoke one after another, gathered together for salon activities, and actively exchanged family teaching experience, and expressed their desire to support the school work as always, and closely cooperate with teachers to educate children together. At the same time, the parents' representatives also expressed great interest in the next two days to fully participate in the invigilation, marking and other related teaching management work of the mid-term examination of the junior high school, and said that they would participate in the next two days on time, comprehensively and actively.

Zhang Xiaoping made a final speech with the help of the school. He sincerely thanked the parents' representatives for their opinions and suggestions. He said that after today's meeting, the contents of the conversation will be carefully sorted out and classified, which will become the focus of the next work of the school department. For the shortcomings pointed out by the parents, the school department will definitely discuss the improvement measures. At the same time, we also hope that parents will keep in touch with the school department more, and welcome parents to give new suggestions on the work of the school department at any time. The work of the family Committee was innovated on the basis of the original work, and parents' representatives also expressed strong interest and actively participated in it. It is hoped that through such activities, parents' representatives can truly participate in the education and teaching work of the school department and work together for the growth of children.

Zhang Xiaoping's school assistant introduces the recent work of the school department to parents' representatives

Parents' representatives are checking teachers' teaching plans and students' homework

Do well the work of family Committee effectively

In order to further strengthen the close relationship between the school and the family, teachers and parents, improve each parent's understanding of the school work, and at the same time more comprehensively understand their children's learning in school, so as to truly achieve the goal of home school joint training of children. On the afternoon of April 22, 2015, the junior high school department held a meeting of the parent committee of the junior high school department. In order to carry out this activity effectively and make parents' representatives understand the education and teaching of the school more truthfully and objectively, the theme of this family committee is to understand the original ecological work of the school department and supervise the education and teaching work of the school department truly and effectively.

At 3 p.m., the second working meeting of the fourth parent committee was held on time in the conference room on the third floor. Zhang Xiaoping, assistant principal, first of all, on behalf of the school, thanked all members of the family Committee for their strong support for the work of the school. Then, he read out the agenda of the second meeting of the fourth parent committee of the junior high school of Hefei world foreign language school. According to the agenda of the meeting, the school first discussed the construction work plan and work regulations of the family Committee, and improved the relevant work institutions and workers Working mechanism. The school department will work with the parent committee to plan the overall work of the school department in a scientific and reasonable way, organize parents to participate in school construction, school management, education and teaching, student management, various cultural and art activities, school evaluation, teacher evaluation and student evaluation, give full play to parents' intelligence and supervision functions, expand the space for parents to participate in the work of the school department in an all-round way, and innovate parents and students The joint work form of the Ministry will enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of the work of the family Committee. Then, Zhang Xiaozhu introduced the achievements made by the school department in the past year to all the members of the family Committee, analyzed the current situation of the school, and put forward some suggestions for parents to educate their children, and made specific explanations on how to prevent campus safety, personal safety and the work of the school Department to be carried out at present. He hoped that parents could strengthen the communication with the school and strengthen the communication with their children Communication, for the common education of good children and efforts.

After the meeting of the parents Committee, the representatives of the family Committee, under the organization of deputy director Chu Lianyu, carried out a major inspection on the teaching plans and homework correction of all teachers in the junior middle school department. Although the mid-term teaching inspection is a routine work of the school department, the whole process of the inspection is participated by parents. The school department collects the teacher's teaching plans and assignments one hour in advance without calling, and then immediately divides them into subject groups for classification and concentration. The parents' representatives shall carry out corresponding group inspection, and the first director shall accompany them and listen to the feedback at any time. In the process of inspection, the school department also had a comprehensive interaction with parents. The school department introduced the students' learning situation in school, and interacted with parents' representatives on how to correctly guide children to develop good learning, behavior habits and how to pay attention to safety. At the same time, we listened carefully to the parents' suggestions and requirements for the work of the school department and made detailed records. After the inspection, the parents at the meeting spoke one after another, gathered together for salon activities, and actively exchanged family teaching experience, and expressed their desire to support the school work as always, and closely cooperate with teachers to educate children together. At the same time, the parents' representatives also expressed great interest in the next two days to fully participate in the invigilation, marking and other related teaching management work of the mid-term examination of the junior high school, and said that they would participate in the next two days on time, comprehensively and actively.

Zhang Xiaoping made a final speech with the help of the school. He sincerely thanked the parents' representatives for their opinions and suggestions. He said that after today's meeting, the contents of the conversation will be carefully sorted out and classified, which will become the focus of the next work of the school department. For the shortcomings pointed out by the parents, the school department will definitely discuss the improvement measures. At the same time, we also hope that parents will keep in touch with the school department more, and welcome parents to give new suggestions on the work of the school department at any time. The work of the family Committee was innovated on the basis of the original work, and parents' representatives also expressed strong interest and actively participated in it. It is hoped that through such activities, parents' representatives can truly participate in the education and teaching work of the school department and work together for the growth of children.

Zhang Xiaoping's school assistant introduces the recent work of the school department to parents' representatives

Parents' representatives are checking teachers' teaching plans and students' homework